This Activation awakens the divine blueprint within and enables more light to anchor into your physical body to empower you and highten your connection to your Higher Self.
This may release unconscious patterns, bring out hidden talents and abilities you may not have been aware of. You may experience shifts that allow greater clarity and more vitality, as well as increasing your ability to use more of your brain power.
The Activation also works on clearing past Family and Genetic karmic patterns to allow healing in all areas of your life. This empowers you to move into healthier relationships by removing old emotional traps we tend to fall into.
A short reading will be provided that may help you recognize next steps for moving forward into a more positive and abundant life.
The session involves several alignments to strengthen the connection between your body, mind and spirit. You may feel refreshed and with a greater sense of peace.
These alignments include:
Crown Cap Removal
Central Core Balancing
16 Lotus Petal Awakening
Elemental and Magnetic Line Balancing
Chakra Balancing
Negative Crystal Removal
You will also receive a one month supply of Purificato and Crystalis which is a vibrational elixir to assist the energy clearing process that began with the session.